Support the hospital by donating 1.2% of your personal income tax. This is a way to provide support that does not require additional material costs. To donate 1.2% of your personal income tax to the needs of the hospital, fill out form FR0512 before May 1 of this year. The form can be submitted online or at any regional VMI office.
Submitting the form online is very simple:
1. Log in to the electronic declaration system (EDS) HERE;
2. In the upper horizontal menu of the EDS, click the option “DEKLARAVIMAS”, and then in the left vertical menu, the option “Forma Pildyti”;
3. Select the form “Prashima šubka parama”;
4. Fill out form FR0512 v.3 directly on the EDS portal “Forma elektroniniam pildynui” (online);
5. In the form, indicate your personal data and you must fill in the following fields marked (!): (!)
(!) 5 Mokestinis laikotarpis
(!) 6S Mokesčio dalį skiriu vienetams, turintiems teisę gauti parama – ✔
(!) E1 Типы Гавео – 2 [paramos gavėjas]
(!) E2 Gavėjo identificacinis numeris (коды) –XXXXXXX
(!) E3 Mokesčio dalies Paskirtis – VšĮ Šalčininkų rajono savivaldybės ligoninė
(!) E4 Mokesčio dalies dydis (procentais) – 1,2